Ministers and Staff

Rev. Dr. James M. Matarazzo, Jr.

Senior Minister

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Jim was born in Boston and grew up in nearby Winthrop, Massachusetts. He received his BA degree in History from Bates College in Maine in 1990. He then studied theology at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He received his M.Div. degree from Union Theological Seminary in New York. He moved overseas to live and work in London in 2007 and later completed his DPhil in Theology at the University of Oxford in 2017. He was then appointed a Lecturer in Theology at Ripon College Cuddesdon, Oxford, while also being a member of the Oxford University Faculty of Theology and Religion. After returning to the United States in late 2018, Jim served as a pastor in Guilford, Connecticut and Shrewsbury, Mass. He was also an Instructor in Theology at Boston College.


Before, during, and after his doctoral studies, Jim worked in the international development field for 19 years, most recently working on gender-based violence with religious and traditional leaders in Zambia. He has worked for Christian Aid, London; Norwegian Church Aid, Oslo; and GIZ, Bonn. He has served as a consultant for the World Council of Churches, the Lutheran World Federation, various United Nations agencies and other international organizations.


He lists among his hobbies and interests adventure travel (he has visited 94 countries and territories), genealogy, good coffee, and anything to do with an ocean or lake. He is an avid fan of the alt rock band Guster. When he is feeling extra nerdy, he sometimes edits Wikipedia. As serious as some of this may sound, Jim is known to be a somewhat “irreverent reverend” and he loves the gifts of humor and laughter. He lives in Wilmette with his husband Tom.

Rev. Abigail Lutz

Pastoral Resident

Email Rev. Abigail

Abigail grew up on Long Island and for as long as she can remember was deeply involved in the “church world”. Eventually, youth group mission trips and leadership opportunities presented to her at a young age led her to feeling a sense of call into church ministry. That discernment process led her to Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan where she earned her BA in Religion, and later to Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, in Louisville, Kentucky where she graduated with her Master of Divinity. Abigail has experience in a variety of ministry settings including campus ministry, urban ministry, bilingual Spanish-English ministry, and more. Abigail is excited to share her experiences, education, and passion for the church to Glenview Community Church as the Inaugural Pastoral Resident.

Gary Wendt

Minister for Music & Organist

Email Gary Wendt 

Gary joined the GCC music staff as Children’s Choir Director in 2000, became our organist and instrumental music director in 2005, and has been our Minister for Music since 2011.  He directs the Joyful Ringers Handbell Choir and the Pilgrim Wind Ensemble at GCC. He continues to develop, administrate and program the church’s Simple Gifts Concert Series, which each year offers over a dozen performances by regional and nationally known artists and ensembles. A native of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, Gary studied organ with Dr. Shirley Sands, Gregory Vancil, Jerome Butera, and Margaret McElwain Kemper.  When he is not at the organ bench, you can find him teaching music at Hubbard Woods Elementary School in Winnetka.

Guillermo Muñoz Küster

Director of Adult Choirs

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Guillermo Muñoz Küster is currently Director of Adult Choirs at Glenview Community Church. Guillermo enjoys a diverse musical life as a conductor, classical guitarist, and singer. A native of Santiago, Chile, Guillermo earned his Bachelor of Music degree from Lebanon Valley College (Annville, PA) and a Master of Music degree from the Bienen School of Music at Northwestern University, where he studied conducting with Robert Harris and Stephen Alltop, and classical guitar with Anne Waller. Outside of GCC, Guillermo can be found working at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, exercising his passion for long-distance running, and exploring the city.

Katelyn Ornduff

Interim Director of Children’s Choir

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Katelyn Ornduff has been heavily involved in GCC’s music program since the age of 5. Growing up, she participated in the Primary Choir, Voices of GCC, the PYF singers, and the annual pageant The Nativity. After graduating from Hope College in 2021, Katelyn began teaching 6th grade ELA in Arlington Heights where she also coaches the Poms dance team and is on the directing team for the spring musical. Katelyn is thrilled to be coming back to her musical roots as Interim Children’s Choir Director this year.

Chris Calandra

Director of Children's Ministry

Meredith Estes

Director of Youth Ministry

Dave Aki

Director of Operations

Riley Smith

Church Administrator

Julie Evans

Business Administrator

Laura Dillon

GCC Nursery School Director

Karen Ornduff

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